Over the past 60+ years, the Cedar Rapids Corvette Club has supported numerous charities and helped our community in various ways. CRCC has raised money for charities by sponsoring or participating in car shows, rallies, and parades. Members have donated their time and talents by providing rides in their Corvettes to people who have dreamed of riding in a Corvette but never had the opportunity. CRCC has donated money, food, and personal items for people in the community who are in need.
Miracles in Motion’s purpose is to provide therapeutic, educational, and recreational benefits to people with disabilities through horseback riding and other equestrian activities. Miracles in Motion began in 1988 with six students and borrowed horses. Today the program has 16 carefully selected and trained horses serving about 180 clients per year on a fully accessible 76 acre farm near Swisher. MIM serves clients from Linn and Johnson counties as well as many other areas in Eastern Iowa. Miracles in Motion operates primarily through donations and grants, including funds from the CRCC Charity Car Show, which are used for the general operation of Miracles in Motion.
Miracles in Motion is located at 2049 120th St. NW, Swisher, IA 52338
Contact person: Deb Leichsenring or Lois James 319-857-4141; FAX: 319-857-4146
E-mail: miraclesinmotion@gmail.com
Website: www.miraclesinmotion.com
Each fall, needy and deserving children from the area receive clothes that they otherwise would not have. On a selected Saturday morning, the children are met by their volunteer shopping partners at the Sears store. The volunteers, which include Cedar Rapids Corvette Club member volunteers, help the children select clothing items from a shopping list provided by their parents. Each child is budgeted about $115 and the funds are used for clothing items necessary for daily life. CRCC is proud to provide funds to purchase clothes for about 18 children and also to help the children shop for things they truly need.
Contact person: Rick Bowersox 319-360-3321 E-mail: rick@bowersox.org
Address: P.O. Box 592, Marion, Iowa 52302
The following charity is provided on-going yearly support by other Cedar Rapids Corvette Club fund raising activities such as providing Corvettes for homecoming parades of more than 20 schools in the local area.
Camp Courageous is a year-round recreational and respite care facility for individuals with disabilities. The camp started serving campers with special needs during the summer of 1974 and they totaled 211 campers. Today the camp is open year-round and the campers have totaled over 5,000 annually. Campers have ranged in age from less than a year to 105 years of age. Camp Courageous is run purely on donations with no government funding, no formal sponsorship (not a part of another organization), and no one is paid to raise money for the camp. Through organizations like the Cedar Rapids Corvette Club, Camp Courageous is able to reach out to many campers and their families.
Camp Courageous is located at 12007 190th ST (also referred to as the Camp Courageous Road) Monticello, IA 52310.
Contact person: Charlie Becker, Director cbecker@campcourageous.org
Website: https://campcourageous.org/
Since Eastern Iowa Honor Flight #2, the Cedar Rapids Corvette Club has donated a personalized walnut plaque to every veteran on every Eastern Iowa Honor Flight out of the Cedar Rapids Airport as well as paying the way for 6 veterans to participate on a flight. In addition to that the club has had many members participate as guardians on various honor flights over the years.
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Corvette is a registered trademark of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors.
The Corvettes displayed here are from the photos used with the owning photographer's permission.
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Cedar Rapids Corvette Club P.O. Box 10193 Cedar Rapids IA 52410